Tipness Gotanda - Japan
Tipness Gotanda
1 Review
Tipness Gotanda2-3 -3, Shinagawa-ku03 34413531https://www.japanyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Tipness Gotanda
2-3 -3, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact number
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Tipness Gotanda2-3 -3, Shinagawa-ku03 34413531https://www.japanyello.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
I can recommend this club only for those who wants to be brought low and loose their money. If you seek for a human attitude, understanding and care, try to find something different.
Due to health and personal circumstances I'm physically not able to attend the club, last time I came was a month ago. I came as soon as I could to cancel my membership, explained that I won't come anymore and what answer did I hear? "We don't care that you won't come anymore, just pay for October". Nobody cares that I'm physically not able to come, neither in September, nor in October, November, etc. I have to give my money for nothing, not getting even a mite of comfort, kindness or courtesy in return. Money and 手続き is above the all, above people's needs, circumstances and feelings.
Due to health and personal circumstances I'm physically not able to attend the club, last time I came was a month ago. I came as soon as I could to cancel my membership, explained that I won't come anymore and what answer did I hear? "We don't care that you won't come anymore, just pay for October". Nobody cares that I'm physically not able to come, neither in September, nor in October, November, etc. I have to give my money for nothing, not getting even a mite of comfort, kindness or courtesy in return. Money and 手続き is above the all, above people's needs, circumstances and feelings.
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